Leveraging established IP is a strategic move for studios aiming to maximize success – we explained the different approaches we take in one of our older blogs here. At SuperScale, we employ a calculated approach, focusing on research and validation to drive our development strategy. Here’s how we do it.

Analysis and planning phase:
Making use of existing IP

Imagine the challenge: tasked with creating a new game seamlessly integrated into a beloved IP, such as Nimblebit’s Pocket series. Our objective? To unlock the full potential of the existing IP, which includes popular games like Pocket Planes or Pocket Trucks, while introducing fresh elements to engage loyal fans and attract newcomers.

To achieve this, we follow these principles:

❶ Utilizing existing assets

We leverage proven in-game mechanics and art styles, ensuring continuity and familiarity for players transitioning from previous titles.

❷ Expanding the IP

Our goal is not just to replicate past successes but to broaden the universe of the IP. For example, in the case of Nimblebit’s Pocket IP, we try to identify a new potential market that would fit into the branding vision of Nimblebit’s portfolio.


Theme research:
Exploring player interest

Theme research is like navigating uncharted waters. We begin with a thorough market analysis to identify promising themes or niches that align with the IP’s essence. The key? Striking a balance between familiarity and innovation.

Here’s a glimpse into our process:

❶ Manual market analysis

We start with searching the gaming landscape to identify themes with untapped potential. We aim to find gaps where innovative gameplay can thrive without intense competition from established players. For this, we mostly use market data from data.ai.

❷ Concept validation

Armed with potential themes, in this case, centered around ships, taxis, trucks, or space rockets, we conduct a marketability test. This crucial step involves measuring player interest and preferences through targeted campaigns, without a single line of code.

Validating the concept:
Where the data guides creativity

Our validation process combines quantitative metrics with qualitative insights to ensure informed decision-making.

Here’s how we validate our concepts:

❶ Meta campaigns

We launch targeted campaigns to assess audience interest across various concepts. Through metrics like Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Install (CPI), we evaluate the viability of each theme.

❷ Geeklab for App Store page variants

Crafting compelling App Store pages is critical. Geeklab helps us test different variants, optimizing for maximum appeal and conversion.

❸ SurveyMonkey surveys

Delving deeper into player preferences, we deploy surveys to gather demographic data and understand player expectations. These insights shape crucial decisions regarding gameplay mechanics and visual style.

The birth of Pocket Trucks:
Merging data with creativity

In the case of Nimblebit’s latest venture, Pocket Trucks, our data-driven approach yielded results. Through thorough analysis of campaign metrics and survey feedback, we identified significant player interest in the concept of, you guessed it, trucks

While the name Pocket Trucks seems simple and logical considering the franchise, there’s also a data-driven approach behind it. But more on that later in our next blog.


Success in the mobile gaming industry requires a blend of innovation and data-driven insights. At SuperScale, we bridge the gap between creativity and analytics, guiding our games towards global acclaim.

While building a new game demands courage, our methodical approach mitigates risks, paving the way for games destined to captivate audiences worldwide. 

Interested to know more about how we build and launch new games? Reach out here.